
Communication, media, studying foreign languages

    Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving ideas, information, and messages. There are many types of communication, but the simplest type is the communication between animals, known for thousands of years, but the man doesn’t understand it. The origin of human language is subject to considerable speculation.  It maybe developed from some nature sounds or it may have come form from emotional expressions such as laughing or crying. Unfortunately we don’t know, but in the present there are over 3,000 spoken languages around the world. The recording of the language is also very important. Each ancient culture had its own kind of recording and its own calligraphy, such as Egyptians (hieroglyphs and papyrus). Today’s known alphabet was invented in the Middle East and brought to Greece, where the Latin developed from it.
    Paper printing was the next important step in the communication. It provides the ability to keep information together and further them to the entire world. One of the most important things was the invention of telegraph, which provides to transmit the information over the long distances. Next step was the transmition of spoken word, which we always use. The discovery of electromagnetic waves gave the communication new dimension. This first radio transmition and then the first broadcasting of television changed the world for root and branch. Now days the television is quite common and with newspapers it creates basic information medium.
      The World War II. brought the rapid development of communication and after the war the television spread thanks to the satellite communication. During the war started next important branch of science, the computer science. The computers influence our lives so much and the internet, which has its origins in army too. Now days it is global information medium. It assembles the information from all of branches of science, culture and human production. You can find there what you need and it depends only on the time when we will only entertain ourselves and internet will do everything. It is a fact that in London was built an internet house, where everything is on-line. The fridge monitors the quantity of the food and if something runs out it automatically order it.
    The satellite communication has another advantage. During the last six years the mobile communication developed rapidly and the owning of the mobile phone is quite common. On the one hand it is very useful, because you are accessible everywhere, but on the other hand it is big check on the private life.
    The verbal communication is very important and it is impossible to speak only one language. The English is the most widespread and its importance is conspicuous. But in Europe are very important other languages like French, which is official language in EU and German, because our country is surrounded mainly by German speaking countries. In America is very useful to know the Spanish and in the East is useful to speak Chinese or Russian. The learning of languages is very important, because there is no universal method of communication.
    These were the verbal or written kinds of communication, but there are many others. On of them is a body language. It is a speech of our body, when every gesture means something. When you shrug your shoulders it means you don’t know something, touching nose or mouth means that you are not sure what you say, slope of head means that you are interested in someone’s speech. But the gestures are very different in every nation. E.g. OK ring gesture means in Japan money, in Tunisia I’ll kill you, in America everything is OK, in France zero and in Columbia go to hell)

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