

1)    School system of Britain, USA
2)    Compare these systems to Czech
British system of education
    Full time education is compulsory for all children between the ages 5 and 16. The schools are controlled by LEAS (Local Education Authorities). 90% of children attend the schools supported by the public founds. But public school doesn’t mean a non-fee paying. Public schools are the fee-paying schools. The school year is divided into three terms (13 weeks each).
    Pre-Scholl and Primary education is in the competence of Nursery and Primary schools. At the age of 7 children go junior school where they stay until 11 when they move to Secondary school.
-some famous private schools – Rugby, Winchester, Westminster
    About 90% of pupils go to the Comprehensive school that means All-inclusive. Others go to the Grammar school or to the Secondary modern schools where they get an academic or a general education. 
    Something above half of people get some kind of Further education. This is provided by Top two classes of a Comprehensive and Grammar schools. Other possibilities are Six-form collages and Tertiary collages. They provide academic and non-academic education.
National Curriculum
It was created to raise educational standards in Wales and England. It provides more practical bias in the science, technology and modern languages. The Curriculum defines four stages and ten statutory subjects. The three core subjects are English, math and science. In Wales is Welsh core or foundation subject. Other seven foundation objects are IT, history, music, art, PE and modern language.

In the first three stages they have to study first nine subjects. Then they can select.  

General Certificate of secondary education - GCSE
About one third of people reach the university or to some other kind of higher education. Here are some famous universities – Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
There is also Open University. That is an university for adults.

American system of education
In the USA the education is a responsibility of each country. Federal government often gives money to schools. It is therefore impossible to speak of a uniform system of education in the USA as a whole. Elected school board controls all schools. The majority of schools are the public schools, but public school doesn’t mean the same as in the Britain. If the school is public in the USA it is free for everyone. Then there are private schools which are fee-paying.
Almost every school day has five classes from Monday to Friday. The school year is divided into three parts. After each part parents receive the results of their child. After whole year they receive the transcript. School attendance is mandatory from 6 years until the age of 16.
Pre-school and elementary education includes nursery schools and kindergartens. Most of them are private. Compulsory education begins at 6. Years in the USA are called grades. At elementary school children teach learn, write, history, geography…. etc.
    Secondary education continues until the age 18. It is provided either by Middle schools or by High schools often divided to Junior High and High school. You have an opportunity to attend specialized schools e.g. for science, language…etc.
    Qualification - Basic school leaving qualification is the High School Diploma, normally awarded after successful completion of secondary school curriculum. Another possibility is General Education Diploma (GED). There is another national examination Scholastic Aptitude Test, which helps to select students for universities.
    About one third of high-school graduates continue in another studies on higher education. Community Collages, Vo-techs, Universities and Collages.
Here are some titles, which you can reach after successful completion of the higher education curriculum: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, and Doctoral Degree.
Here are some famous universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, and Collage of Columbia

System of education in The Czech republic
    The compulsory school attendance begins at the age of 6. Before it children can go to the nursery schools or to the kindergartens. In the Primary school or Elementary children stay for 9 years. They get basic education there. (Math, languages, history, music, art, science, languages)
    The Secondary education is provided by the Grammar schools or by Vocational schools – technical schools. After the finishing the Secondary education we get our Leaving certificate, which is necessary to go to the university.

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